Donate to WLA
The Nebraska Water Leaders Academy is supported through grants and private donations. Since 2011, the Academy has received significant support from the Nebraska Environmental Trust. This funding requires that the Academy secure matching funds.
How to Give
All donations to the Nebraska Water Leaders Academy tax are exempt and are accepted through the Water Futures Partnership-Nebraska a 501 (c) 3 organization whose sole purpose is the support of the Academy.
By check: To Water Future Partnership-Nebraska, 1233 Lincoln Mall, #201, Lincoln, NE 68508
Online: Visit Nebraska Water Futures Partnership Nebraska
“I have supported the Academy since its inception both as a volunteer presenter and through a regular financial contribution for this reason: the Academy does an outstanding job in exposing tomorrow’s water leaders to knowledge of Nebraska’s resource base, its historical development and use and to teach effective skills necessary to protect those resources for future generations.”
Donate Online By Visting Water Futures Partnership Nebraska at wfpneb.org or by clicking this link:
Donate to Water Futures Partnership NebraskaGold Sponsors:
- Central Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation District
- Central Water Users
- Farwell Irrigation District
- FNIC- Trusted Advisors
- Frenchman-Cambridge Irrigation District
- Jim Goeke & Karen Sue Amen
- Lawrence “Larry” Hynek- Hynek Farms, LLC
- Lindsay Corporation
- Nebraska State Irrigation Association
- Lee & Rita Orton
- Valmont Industries Inc.
Bronze Sponsors:
- Ainsworth Irrigation District
- Dr Mark Burbach
- Central Platte Natural Resources District
- City of Grand Island
- Gering Ft. Laramie Irrigation District
- Michael & Carol Jess
- Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District
- Middle Republican Natural Resources District
- North Platte Natural Resources District
- Roric Paulman, Paulman Farms & Silver Spur, LLC
- Sargent Irrigation District
- Twin Loups Irrigation District
- Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District
Contributing Sponsors:
- Jodi Kocher
- Frank Kwapnioski
- Raoul Johnson, Jr. R. A. Johnson, Inc
- Tom Knutson
- Honorable E. Benjamin Nelson