Team Projects
Each year a class is divided into groups and asked to work on a project throughout the course.
It’s an important aspect of our program that puts the leadership skills we teach together with a technical problem to solve the mandatory team project. Each class has produced ideas that are amazing in their creativity as well as their practical application to real issues.
A VideoGage is designed to help individuals, water users, casual observers and media who cover water issues to get a sense of water quantity in the state. The VideoGage is now hosted on the website of The Flatwater Group in Lincoln
Drinking Water Brochure
This project focused on domestic drinking water wells and explains why they should be tested annually. The group produced this brochure and developed a distribution plan to get the word out.
“The Water Leaders Academy was one of the best educational opportunities I have experienced. Not only did WLA expand my knowledge of water issues in Nebraska, but also expanded my network of water professionals. I use the knowledge gained from WLA frequently in my career as a water resources engineer. “